Paul "Big Paul" Castellano also known as The Howard Hughes of the Mob, was an American Mafia boss in New York City. In 1985, John Gotti, an underling of Castellano's, had finally had enough of the current mafia meat market. He was pissed at Castellano, possibly because of some bad meat. He sent three of his goons to catch Castellano and his chosen successor Thomas Bilotti, as they exited the Sparks Steak House in on 46th St. Castellano and Bilotti were gunned down on the street.
My Ghost Story is an American television series on the paranormal, which premiered on July 17, 2010 on the Biography Channel. The series features ghost stories told from a person's own experience with the supernatural. Each episode features first hand eyewitness accounts of stories of encounters at reportedly haunted locations all over the United States, as well as a few locations in other countries. Each episode is narrated by various eyewitnesses who re-tell their own unique ghost stories by personal experiences of paranormal activity and encounters with the unexplained in a particular location. These individuals usually start off the show by saying "My ghost story started when..." They also show the viewers' visual evidence they have captured on their homemade videos. Each episode features reenactments, video clips, and several eyewitness interviews of everyday people who have experienced encounters with the supernatural. These stories also include some historical...