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Paranormal Challenge -Season 1

Paranormal Challenge - Screen Capture.jpgParanormal Challenge is an American competitive paranormal reality television series that premiered on June 17, 2011, on the Travel Channel. A spinoff of Ghost Adventures, the series was created and is hosted by lead investigator Zak Bagans, who challenges ghost hunters from around the United States to go head-to-head in a weekly competition to gather paranormal evidence by spending a night in reportedly haunted locations in the United States. The first season of the show ended on September 16, 2011. It is not yet known if it will return for another season or not.

Episode guide -

Season 1 (2011)
Ep. # Title Location Winner Original Airdate
1.1 "Rolling Hills Asylum[2]" East Bethany, New York Resident Undead Paranormal June 17, 2011
In the series premiere, it's the battle of the sexes when Zak pits two teams: Resident Undead Paranormal of Philadelphia, PA (boys) versus Paranormal Xpeditions from Massachusetts (girls) against each other to find paranormal proof in a haunted asylum the Ghost Adventures Crew (GAC) got locked down in for their investigation.
1.2 "Eastern State Penitentiary[2]" Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Tri-state Paranormal June 24, 2011
Two teams: Northampton County Paranormal of Bath, PA versus Tri-state Paranormal of Metuchen, NJ investigate against each other as they learn what causes the hauntings in the decaying prison cells at Eastern State Penitentiary.
1.3 "Pennhurst State School[3]" Spring City, Pennsylvania Quest Paranormal Society July 1, 2011
Two radically different teams investigate Pennhurst State School and Hospital: the methodical investigative approach of the New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society (Rob, L'Aura, Nathan*) from Hackettstown, NJ versus the extreme methods of Quest Paranormal Society (Bob, Kenny, Elaine) from Reading, PA. *(Nathan Schoonhover from Extreme Paranormal.)
1.4 "Ohio State Reformatory" Mansfield, Ohio Steel Town Paranormal July 8, 2011
Two teams: Steel Town Paranormal (Carrie, Melanie, Chris) from Pittsburgh, PA and Eerie Paranormal (Ben, Gary, Darcy) from Ohio compete for the best paranormal evidence in the Ohio State Reformatory, which housed more than 155,000 criminals in the 94 years it was open. It's so filled with dark history that host Zak Bagans says it's one of the most haunted prisons he's ever investigated.
1.5 "West Virginia Penitentiary" Moundsville, West Virginia Northeastern Spirit Society July 15, 2011
Two teams: Northeastern Spirit Society of Fairmont, WV and West Virginia Paranormal of Morgantown, WV search for ghosts inside the "Sugar Shack", psych ward, and boiler room in the abandoned West Virginia Penitentiary (aka Moundsville State Penitentiary), which is said to be haunted by an angry former inmate nicknamed the "Baby Raper".
1.6 "Waverly Hills Sanatorium" Louisville, Kentucky E.P.I.C. Investigators July 22, 2011
Two teams: E.P.I.C. Investigators (Theresa, Darla, and Cathi) from Cleveland, Ohio and Dark Alley Paranormal (Brian, Alex, and Aaron) from Columbus, Ohio investigate Waverly Hills Sanatorium, an abandoned tuberculosis hospital which documented thousands of deaths during a tuberculosis outbreak in the early 20th century, where high casualties led to the construction of the "body chute".
1.7 "Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum" Weston, West Virginia Appalachee Paranormal July 29, 2011
Two teams from West Virginia go head to head: Appalachee Paranormal (Tony, Jeff, and Matt) and G.A.L.S. Paranormal (Ghosts, Apparitions, and Lost Souls) (Jackie, Mandy, and Stacey) investigate the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, a former psychiatric hospital that is believed to be one of the country's most haunted sites.
1.8 "Old South Pittsburg Hospital" South Pittsburg, Tennessee Tennessee Wraith Chasers August 12, 2011
Two teams: O.P.S. (Office of Paranormal Studies) (Salina, Debbie, Brandon) from Chattanooga, Tennessee and Tennessee Wraith Chasers (Doogie, Chris, Porter) from Gallatin, Tennessee investigate an abandoned hospital that's considered one of the most haunted locations in the South.
1.9 "La Purisima" Lompoc, California Paranormal Hot Squad August 19, 2011
Two paranormal teams from Los Angeles: Ghost Bros. (Joe, Greg, Trevor) and the all-woman team of Paranormal Hot Squad (Jodie, Jesslyn, Camryn) investigate spirits of the Chumash tribe at La Purisima Mission where a bloody Indian uprising occurred in 1824.
1.10 "Linda Vista Hospital" Los Angeles, California Paranormal Exp August 26, 2011
Two local paranormal teams Paranormal Exp & Verify Paranormal investigate the abandoned Linda Vista Hospital in gang-territory L.A.
1.11 "USS Hornet" Alameda, California Soul Seekers September 9, 2011
Two Paranormal teams: Soul Seekers of Temecula, CA (Dante Reeder,Allan Williams & Josh Baker) & S.R.I.P (Spirit Realm Investigative Project) of Denver, CO investigate the USS Hornet (WWII United States Navy aircraft carrier) in Alameda, CA said to be one of the most haunted warships in entire world. In Episode 11 Soul Seekers (Dante Reeder,Allan Williams & Josh Baker) capture the 1st Ever Intelligent spirit communicated Morse Code relevant to the U.S.S Hornet "Analyzed,Verified and Deciphered by communications experts as a 100% Intelligent Morse code". The spirits manipulated a Mel Meter to sound like Morse code "Gary Galka" the Mel Meters inventor says He didn't ever put that sound into the Mel Meters design and that the Spirits of the U.S.S Hornet Manipulated the device to communicate intelligently. Considered by Zak Bagans as "Historic Evidence"
1.12 "Jerome Grand Hotel" Jerome, Arizona Living Proof of the Paranormal September 16, 2011
Two teams, S.A.G.A.P.S and Living Proof of the Paranormal, hunt for ghosts in the Jerome Grand Hotel in Jerome, Arizona a city also known as Ghost City by locals.

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