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Free Energy: The Race To Zero Point

We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything, every atom, every subatomic particle is in constant motion, spinning eternally. Even in the cold, dark absolute vacuum of empty space, there exists what new physics is calling the quantum vacuum flux; it is the ether of the ancients
, the life force energy of metaphysics; are the random fluctuations of this vast field of potential in which space and time are embedded. Now theoretically and mathematically proven, the question no longer is: “does this zero point energy exist?” but rather, can we tap this inexhaustible resource of free and unlimited energy and manifest new technologies which are both inexpensive and environmentally safe.

One thing is certain, if we continue on the course of rapidly burning fossil fuels and relying on nuclear fission, the future of our civilization is in grave jeopardy. We’re at a critical juncture where the ravages of industrial pollution and radioactive waste have exceeded the carrying capacity of mother earth. Our finite reserves of oil and gas will be completely exhausted by the year 2025 at the present rate of consumption. Large corporate and governmental self interests ignore this pending crisis and resist change to the status quo. The question must be asked: “Is this the kind of world we want to pass down to future generations?”

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