During the course of the series, presenter and journalist, Alastair Sooke, explores why these artists are considered so important and examines how their influence can still be seen in our world today.
He begins with Andy Warhol, the king of Pop Art. On his journey he parties with Dennis Hopper, has a brush with Carla Bruni and gets to grips with Marilyn. Along the way he uncovers just how brilliantly Andy Warhol pinpointed and portrayed our obsessions with consumerism, celebrity and the media, and then went on to re-invent them.
Journalist Alastair Sooke sets out to discover just how much the artist Henri Matisse has influenced our modern lives. Sooke explains why Matisse’s art is considered so great and also looks at how Matisse’s brilliant use of color and simplification of form continues to inspire illustrators, designers and of course artists today.
The life of Pablo Picasso is an exciting story of rebellion, riches, women and great art. In this episode, journalist Alastair Sooke travels through France, Spain and the US to see some of the artist’s great works and recount tales from his life story.
Salvador Dali was art’s greatest clown, but was he also one of its great geniuses? Sooke traces the life and work of the popular surrealist artist, traveling throughout Europe and America. From his origins in turn-of-the-century Spain, to his high jinx in New York in the 1970s, Sook reveals this artist’s fascinating life story and explains the thinking behind and impact of his most famous works.