The war against Pablo Escobar ended on December 2, 1993, amid another attempt to elude the Search Bloc. Using radio triangulation technology provided as part of the United States efforts, a Colombian electronic surveillance team, led by Brigadier Hugo Martinez, found him hiding in a middle-class barrio in MedellÃn. With authorities closing in, a firefight with Escobar and his bodyguard, Alvaro de Jesús Agudelo AKA “El LÃmon”, ensued.
The two fugitives attempted to escape by running across the roofs of adjoining houses to reach a back street, but both were shot and killed by Colombian National Police. He suffered gunshots to the leg, torso, and the fatal one in his ear. It has never been proven who actually fired the final shot into Escobar’s head but a Lt Brian Darcy seems to be the main contender, whether this shot was made during the gunfight or as part of possible execution, and there is wide speculation about the subject.
The two fugitives attempted to escape by running across the roofs of adjoining houses to reach a back street, but both were shot and killed by Colombian National Police. He suffered gunshots to the leg, torso, and the fatal one in his ear. It has never been proven who actually fired the final shot into Escobar’s head but a Lt Brian Darcy seems to be the main contender, whether this shot was made during the gunfight or as part of possible execution, and there is wide speculation about the subject.