Slavery: A 21st Century Evil: Season 1-In this eye opening eight part series, Al Jazeera's Rageh Omaar investigates slavery in the world today. Episode guide - Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Food chain slave : It is a nation built on the abolition of slavery, but there are at least 40,000 slaves in the US today. In the opening episode of Slavery: A 21st Century Evil, Al Jazeera's Rageh Omaar investigates food chain slavery in the US. Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Sex slaves : There are an estimated 1.4 million sex slaves in the world today and international trafficking is on the rise. Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Bonded slaves :It is a form of slavery that is passed down from one generation to the next, enslaving millions. Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Child Slaves :There are at least 8.4 million child slaves in the world today, many of them held as forced labour. Slavery: A 21st Century Evil - Charcoal Slaves : Poverty-stricken men from the north of ...
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