Over a decade after it aired this is the only Jack The Ripper documentary that still holds up. Full of great info not readily sited by most books (racial & class biases, political & press motivations, Conan Doyle's midwife theory)
it whets the appetite for further investigation. Most importantly, unlike any other Ripper film it's the only one to capture the unrelenting terror behind the granddaddy of serial killers. There can rightfully be no firm resolution to the identity of the murderer and that fear of the unknown and the socially deviated shows through in spades. I recommend it highly to anyone interested in the case or the human phenomena of serial murder; but even as a true-to-life scary story it's terrifically effective, making the idea of particularly foggy nights unappealing to walk in.
My Ghost Story is an American television series on the paranormal, which premiered on July 17, 2010 on the Biography Channel. The series features ghost stories told from a person's own experience with the supernatural. Each episode features first hand eyewitness accounts of stories of encounters at reportedly haunted locations all over the United States, as well as a few locations in other countries. Each episode is narrated by various eyewitnesses who re-tell their own unique ghost stories by personal experiences of paranormal activity and encounters with the unexplained in a particular location. These individuals usually start off the show by saying "My ghost story started when..." They also show the viewers' visual evidence they have captured on their homemade videos. Each episode features reenactments, video clips, and several eyewitness interviews of everyday people who have experienced encounters with the supernatural. These stories also include some historical...